Thursday, January 12, 2023

Is Roofing Felt Necessary?

 A lot of owners usually have a dilemma regarding roofing felt. They are not 100% sure if their roofs really need it. Nowadays, roofing contractors frequently stress the importance of roofing felt installation. DNB Construction LLC’s certified roofing technicians explained the four major benefits of roofing felts.

So, if you think about having roofing felt, read the following lines. In that way you will see why roofing felt is beneficial.

  • Roofing felt protects your roof

Experienced roofers will emphasize that roofing felt acts as adequate protection to your plywood layer while roofers work on it. Plus, roofing felt is similar to a cushion when roofing technicians walk on the roof or kneel. Also, roofing felt is a protection of the exposed plywood. It is vital since it is more costly to repair the damaged plywood than the roofing felt. Finally, everyone can work faster on the roof that has roofing felt.

  • Roofing felt lowers fire risks

In the case of up-to-date fire rating shingle testing, roofing felt is vital as an underlayment. Without roofing felt, shingles can’t provide the expected level of fire protection. Consequently, the tested building will not meet the necessary fire requirements in the area.

  • Warranties on roofing elements

Homeowners avoid issues with roofing elements’ warranties when they use roofing felt. Importantly, roofing material producers today design roofing parts with warranties assuming that a property owner uses roofing felt.

  • Roofing felt prevents roof staining

If there is not a protective layer of roofing felt, plywood starts leaking. Furthermore, it may lead to problems with roofing shingles. Also, there may appear roof staining. When you notice dark spots on your roof shingles, be sure that it is because of not having roofing felt.

We are DNB Construction LLC, a certified roofing contractor, ready to help you with all roofing works. Our roofing technicians are there to give objective assessment and advice 24/7. Give us a call @ 301-362-7663.

Source: Is Roofing Felt Necessary?

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