Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Roof Shingles – How To Choose the Best Ones?

 What really differs one roof from another? How to make your house stand out in the neighborhood? The answers are rather simple: choose carefully your roof shingles, their type, material, and color to make your house recognizable. Moreover, the best roof shingles quality will ensure the longevity of your roof. We all know that roofing works are a serious investment, so always think about the price of the installation as well. DNB Construction’s experienced professional roofers described the roof shingles’ kinds with their basic characteristics to help you go for the most suitable ones.

1. Tile shingles. They come in a couple of different shapes and lighter colors, whereas their cost is $300-$700 for a roofing square. This roofing square equals 100 square feet. If you opt for tile shingles, calculate overall installation costs between $10,000 and $14,000.  With a common lifespan of around 80 years, these shingles are presented as expensive, but endurable.

2. Asphalt shingles. If you want the possibility to choose among numerous shingles’ styles, sizes, and to save money on energy bills, this type is the right choice since it complies with the energy standards. But, if you are a resident of a place with a changeable temperature, think twice. Many asphalt shingles can damage or crack in sudden temperature fluctuations. However, asphalt shingles come in 3 types:

a) Organic asphalt shingles. Firstly, made with wood chips, paper, or recycled cardboard, they were considered to be inexpensive, waterproof, and heavier than fiberglass shingles. Their lifespan was shorter and they were regarded as ‘felt mat asphalt shingles’. Nowadays, we know that they are prone to saturation and moisture. This leads to serious issues and faster degradation and cracking.

b) Fiberglass shingles. These shingles are produced from a fiberglass base mat. Apart from being layered with a special waterproof coating, they are durable, fire-resistant, affordable, and lightweight.  Fiberglass shingles must be resistant to UV rays and have a long warranty.

c) Architectural vs. 3-tab. The main difference is in the installation costs.  While you have to give from $3,800 to $8,000 for the architectural shingles, 3-tab shingles will cost you $2,300 to $5,300. The first ones are not made with cutouts and contain extra asphalt which gives them many curves. Additionally, architectural shingles aren’t a good choice for roofs with low slopes although they are waterproof. Compared with them, the second ones are cheaper and have certain cutouts that run along the shingle’s bottom edge which looks as if 3 different shingles are installed.

3. Wood shingles. Their price range is in between the asphalt and tile shingles since the average cost is from $400 to $700 for a square of roofing. In addition, the wood shingles installation is estimated to cost from $7,000 to $15,000. Wood shingles are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Also, they are durable, long-lasting to 50 years, and available in redwood and cedar. The greatest flaw is that they can easily catch fire, much more than other shingle kinds.

4. Slate shingles. They can be green, grey, red, or black. Their characteristics are the best ones when damage or water resistance is in question. In addition, slate shingles are great for winter temperatures. They are pricey, one square of roofing goes from $200 to $650, and the total installation costs may be $5,000 to $23,000. These shingles are rather expensive to repair and very heavy. Therefore, the best solution is to consult a professional roofing company to deal with slate shingles reparation.

5. Metal Shingles. They are affordable and last up to 50 years since they can be made from zinc, copper, tin, aluminum, or a low-galvanized metal. The worst thing is that they get noisy during rain or hair. Therefore, you need to pay from $100 to $1,000 for a square of roofing, and $2,000 to $15,000 for the entire installation.

Shingles add to the roof’s lasting and the house’s visual look. It’s important to opt for the most convenient ones regarding their lifespan, material, color, and price. We are DNB Construction, a professional roofing company whose employees are ready to answer all your questions and solve dilemmas. Feel free to consult us at 301-362-7663.

Source: Roof Shingles – How To Choose the Best Ones?

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